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It's 1352, and the Black Death rages in Europe. Ten young people (seven women and three men) flee plague-stricken Florence to a delightful villa in nearby Fiesole. To pass the time, each participant tells a story each day following a theme, resulting in a collection of one hundred silly, smutty, so-called "masterpieces of western literature." 

Now it's 2020, and a new plague, of sorts, known as Miss Rona rages across the world, again driving young people into distant corners of the world for safety. Ten such young people (gender isn't real, but we followed the wisdom of the original and didn't invite more than three men to our party), again, are embarking on a journey to tell one hundred new silly, smutty stories using the same themes. But instead of telling the stories tucked away in Fiesole, we're sharing them in the modern equivalent of a remote cabin in the woods: a Wixsite.

The result? We'll have to see, but we can only assume it will be immediately welcomed into the canon. After all, reboots are trendy right now, and this is The Decameron 2: The Electric Boogaloo!

Ten new stories every day for ten days! That's quarantine, baby!

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