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Six Flags Communications Handbook Chapter 2: When To Frighten

Rom Com Plot

The Petting Zoo is an Elite Zoo Section

Spoons are Too Much

full meals:

the a to z of good names

Ours is a world of names! "Painkiller..." "stretcher..." "Aaron..." "Italy..." and I have thoughts on all of them!

little guys you should know: the echidna

My contribution to Next Slide Please: a presentation about echidnas, evolution, and the pursuit of perfection (+ weird dicks).

come if u want:


I did my debut half-hour at Projectorfest 2023! It's called "Come If U Want," and is about a road trip I took that didn't go very well.  It's not available for your viewing pleasure on this website, but reach out if you simply must see it... I know I have a recording somewhere.

Produced by Quinn Jackson
Directed by Alexandra Haddad

Poster Design by Sahra Denner


amy muller's vital signs:


I did another half-hour at Projectorfest 2024! I turned five years of passionate searching for the world's besst signs, warnings, and labels into 30 minutes of good-faith "investigation" into what happened to get those signs put up in the first place. Again, reach out for clips!

Produced by Quinn Jackson

Poster Design by Sahra Denner


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